Featured Artist Willey Thompson

Hey I just wanted to share the inspiration of a close friend with everyone… Willey is a self taught artist, works with oil, acrylic and several other mediums. He started back in the day sketching comic book covers and gothic art. He went through almost every medium he could get his hands on, and always looking to learn more. Browse or shop around https://www.wetwrxart.com/ Commision work also welcome.

Runes App


This is a great free app to learn the elder futhark runes! It is based on the book, Runes and Lore. Learn the magical uses and energies for each rune. You can also learn how to use them for divination. It has a social wall and live chat feature to share and ask questions to the app community. It links to 24runes.com as well as many other metaphysical sites. If you are wanting to learn and study the runes, this app is a must have!

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Fehu Rune


Fehu Rune

Fehu – Divination meanings: finances and prosperity, could also refer to person’s libido

Magical uses: energy projection or drawing energy, increase wealth, increase libido

Letter is F

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Uruz Rune


Uruz Rune

Uruz – Divination meanings: Represents health matters or courage

Magical uses: Healing, shaping and forming of desire or will, knowledge of self

Letter is U

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Thurisaz Rune


Thurisaz Rune

Thurisaz – Divination meanings: Aggressive conflicts or aimed might- stubbornness

Magical Uses: Warding and protection, curses, awaken the magical will

Letters Th

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Ansuz Rune


Ansuz Rune

Ansuz – Divination meanings: Communications, wisdom and learning from past

Magical uses: magical incantation, wisdom, psych-ism and divine communication

Letter is A

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Raidho Rune


Raidho Rune

Raidho – Divination meanings: Travel or movement, moral right and wrong

Magical uses: Moral justice, rhythm and timing, ordered movement

Letter is R

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Kenaz Rune


Kenaz Rune

Kenaz – Divination meanings: Being in control, knowing what to do

Magical uses: Control of sexual energy for  creative shaping and reshaping, releases spirit into realms of power

Letter is K

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Gebo Rune


Gebo Rune

Gebo – Divination meanings: Gifts, any matter of exchanging, relationships

Magical uses: love magic, endless exchange of energy, mystical union, binding, a gift for a gift, karmic payback

Letter is G

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Wunjo Rune


Wunjo Rune

Wunjo – Divination meanings: Personal Wishing, joy or happiness

Magical uses: Personal happiness, healing relationships

Letter is W

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Hagalaz Rune


Hagalaz Rune

Hagalaz – Divination meanings: Uncontrolled destiny or forces that affect us (can be disruptive)

Magical uses: Completeness and bring into being, warding or protection

Letter is H

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Nauthiz Rune


Nauthiz Rune

Nautiz – Divination meanings: Need, testing or suffering

Magical uses: Overcoming fate and stress, develops magical will, sudden inspiration and inner might

Letter is N

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Isa Rune


Isa Rune

Isa – Divination Meanings: Stuck or blocked, frozen,  could reference the ego

Magical uses: strengthen concentration and will, binding as in constraint or constriction, halt movement

Letter is I


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Jera Rune


Jera Rune

Jera – Divination meanings: Harvest, hopes and expectations, could also be gradual change

Magical uses: Patience and natural harmony of magical will, Spiritual understanding, creative planning, interactions with nature and natural time cycles

Letter is J

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